Are You Getting a Message on Your Pc That Says "Load Needed Dll's For Kernel"? - How to Fix It

Have you seen this "load needed Dlls for kernel" message on your screen before? It's a "Huh?" kind of reaction most habitancy have because about 90% of all computer users have no idea what it means.

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Simply put, your computer is telling you that you have a corrupt registry. Not to worry, a corrupt registry can be fixed with a program known as the registry cleaner. Let me tell you exactly how it works.

First, a registry cleaner can be customized to fit your preferences. It also allows for manual or self-operating repairs. This means that you can select to go in yourself and delete the files you know are causing the problems. This, of course, is something that should be reserved for the most pro computer technicians since a tiny error could cause your Pc to crash.

It starts by backing up your registry so that in case something is deleted by accident, you can start over. After this, the registry cleaner will scan for errors and unnecessary files and programs. Basically, it is seeing for empty keys, invalid paths, obsolete and corrupt files, and will check and restore lost Dll files.

This program will also allow you remove program shortcuts and Shell Extensions that are not used because these cause your computer to have slow start ups.

Once the registry cleaner has done its first job, you can now program it to do all all over again as often as you want. This is to avoid supplementary registry problems and keep your computer speed at optimum levels.

Finally, throughout any of its repairs, you are always made aware of its advance with quarterly updates.

Are You Getting a Message on Your Pc That Says "Load Needed Dll's For Kernel"? - How to Fix It